Click on the title to read the required report.
These are the main sub-headings, use them as internal links for this page:
Death Avoidance, cryopreservation etc
An article by Chrissie Loveday, by a readers' request ...
Internal bookmarks:
These articles are as stated - general interest articles on cryonics.
This details technology that will probably be used for revivals.
This is more specific material for those wishing to sign up. The funds do not have to be provided until death, and can range from $28k with the Cryonics Institute (the oldest, cheapest and arguably the best) to over $100k with Alcor and some others.
This article by Dr Thomas Donaldson explains how cryonics and immortalist people could
be following the teachings of Jesus.
Here ismany of the articles from the column that I write for the magazine The Immortalist.
This is a big file for you to download and then read offline.
This is a column I write for the magazine Venturist Monthly News, the newletter of the
Society of Venturism. All the articles are here.
A cryonics osupport organisation, organised as a legal entity known as a "Church" in the
USA, to deal with the social and philosophical side to cryonics. It can also perfrom weddings.
For more about cryonic suspension
Click on this heading for the cryonics FAQ
Cryonet is an internet mailing list that discusses cryonic suspension. Click on the link for full details of how to receive these emailings and to review the archive. -- Its all free!
Click here for the Technical Feasibility of Cryonics
This is the latest version of an article by Ralph Merkle.
The oldest, least expensive, and many say the best cryonics provider. The complete text of The Prospect of Immortality is available in html format on this site.
How to get cryonic suspension in the UK and Europe
It costs less than you think - there is even rumoured to be someone of state income
support doing it.
Other cryonics organisations
The organisation with the largest number of members, even though it is expensive and (in the UK at least) requires members to be active in training and performing the actual work.
A non-profit research organization offering a wide range of cryonic suspension services.
The Cryonics Society of Canada
The web pages of this organisation which offers suspension services in Canada, except British Columbia whose citizens do not have the freedom to make cryonic arrangements.
This is a highly successful for-profit company which has been involved with
cryopreservation right from the early days. To be fair its financial success has arisen from
its ability to create start up companies, such as BioTime and Cryomedical Sciences, using
spin off technology from cryonics and then float them on the public stock market.
However its primary objective is cryopreservation and it offers its services via various
cryonics organisations.
Advances in nanotechnology for medicine
Click on this heading for information on the subject that is very important to the credibility
of cryonic suspension.
Click here to see various time projections for nanotechnology.
This link gives some best estimates of when nanotechnology will appear, from world experts.
The full text of "Engines of Creation"
This is the book that explains nanotechnology, and gave a reasonable scientific solution to the question of how people in cryonic suspension could be revived.
This link sends you to an institute who seeks to prepare the world for the introduction of nanotechnology.
This is a link to the theory that technology is expanding so rapidly there is a "singularity"
where growth will accelerate due to artificial intelligence and other advances.
This article was reprinted in Longevity Report and comes from the Libertarian presidential
Imagine a world where a machine can always tell whenever anyone is lying. The Truth Machine describes how our world mutates into that world and how it destroys the legal profession and the resulting release of skill leads humanity into a new golden age.
Written by a leading Isle of Man financier, this warning details what will become of us is
"lawyerism" prevails.
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